Build Your Own HPC Cluster based on Ubuntu 22.04

Typical HPC configuration

Test Configuration


  • All nodes have two NICs (In AWS, one NIC is used)
    • eth0: compute network for MPI and NFS
    • eth1: Internet access for update
  • node001 : login, NFS and compute node
  • OS : Ubuntu 22.04 server minimal

Launch instances in AWS

  • Launch Ubuntu 22.04 instances with public IP address
  • Edit inbound rules in the security group
    • Allow ssh access from the internet
    • Allow all inbound traffic between private IP address range
  • Record hostnames and IP addresses hostname private IP public IP

Headnode setup

Enable Password login for root

  • Login to headnode using id ubuntu and setup root password
    $ sudo passwd
  • Change account to root and enable password login for root
    $ apt-get -y install no vim csh
    $ su -
    # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    PasswordAuthentication yes
    PermitRootLogin yes
    # systemctl restart sshd
  • Check that root login to headnode using ssh

btools for Cluster management

  • Install btools script in the headnode
    • btools is a series of scripts to automate the execution of commands
      $ su -
      root@node001:~# apt-get -y install git
      root@node001:~# cd /root
      root@node001:~# git clone 
      root@node001:~# cd btools
      root@node001:~/btools# ./
      root@node001:~/btools# cd /usr/local/sbin
      root@node001:/usr/local/sbin# sed -i "s/bin/sh/bin/bash/g" *
    • In the ubuntu OS, #!/bin/sh command in the btools files does not work. #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash using sed command.

Hostname setup

  • Add all hostnames in /usr/local/sbin/bhosts
    root@node001:~# vi /usr/local/sbin/bhosts
  • Append all nodes’ ip addresses in /etc/hosts
    root@node001:~# vi /etc/hosts localhost node001 node002 

    root login without asking password

  • Create a ssh key and copy to all compute nodes for root login without password
    root@node001:~# ssh-keygen -t rsa
    root@node001:~# ssh-copy-id root@node002
    root@node001:~# ssh-copy-id root@node003
  • Execute btools commands without asking root password
    root@node001:~# bexec hostname
    ***** node002 *****
    ***** node003 *****

NFS server setup

  • Head node /home is shared to all compute nodes by NFS
  • Install NFS server package and start NFS service in headnode
    root@node001:~# apt install -y nfs-kernel-server nfs-common
    root@node001:~# systemctl enable nfs-server
    root@node001:~# systemctl start nfs-server
    root@node001:~# systemctl status nfs-server
    ● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services
  • Export /home to all compute nodes
    root@node001:~# vi /etc/exports
    root@node001:~# exportfs -a is the ip address range of NFS network. Change your IP range

Compute nodes setup

Sync headnode file to compute nodes

  • bpush command copies headnode file to all compute nodes
    bpush <headnode file> <destiation directory>
  • Copy headnode /etc/hosts file to all compute node using bpush command
    root@node001:~# bpush /etc/hosts /etc/
    ***** node002 *****
    ***** node003 *****
    ***** node004 *****
  • Check /etc/hosts file is sync to all compute nodes using bexec command
    root@node001:~# bexec "cat /etc/hosts"

NFS client setup

  • Install NFS client package in all compute nodes using bexec
    root@node001:~# bexec "apt-get install -y nfs-common"
  • Check the NFS setup by mount /home of headnode
    root@node001:~# bexec "mount -t nfs node001:/home /home"
    root@node001:~# bexec "df | grep home"
    ***** node002 *****
    node001:/home  3844551680        0 3649184768   0% /home
    ***** node003 *****
    node001:/home  3844551680        0 3649184768   0% /home
  • Edit /etc/fstab of all compute nodes to mount at boot time using bexec
    root@node001:~# bexec "sed -i -e '$a node001:/home /nome nfs defaults 0 0' /etc/fstab"

Additional works

  • /etc/bash.bashrc of Ubuntu disables non-interactive shell commands by default
    • mpirun can not be run in compute nodes
    • [ -z “$PS1” ] && return of /etc/bash.bashrc should be commented out
    • Edit /etc/bash.bashrc to enable remote command to be executed
      root@node001:~# sed -i '/&& return/s/^/#/' /etc/bash.bashrc
      root@node001:~# bexec "sed -i '/&& return/s/^/#/' /etc/bash.bashrc"
  • Disable StrictHostKeyChecking in all compute nodes
    root@node001:~# vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    root@node001:~# bpush /etc/ssh/ssh_config /etc/ssh/

Final work

  • Update and install packages in all nodes
    root@node001:~# apt-get -y update
    root@node001:~# apt-get -y install net-tools iputils-ping wget git vim build-essential flex libz-dev csh rsync
    root@node001:~# bexec "apt-get update"
    root@node001:~# bexec "apt-get -y install net-tools iputils-ping wget git vim build-essential flex libz-dev csh rsync"
  • Install Intel OneAPI for compilers and MPI for all nodes
    # wget -O- 
    | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/oneapi-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null 
    # echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/oneapi-archive-keyring.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oneAPI.list
    # apt update
    # apt install -y intel-basekit intel-hpckit
    • Execute above commands using bexec for all nodes

User Creation

  • Create a user account in head node and assign initial password
    root@node001:~# adduser nextfoam
  • Sync the account information to all compute nodes using bsync
    root@node001:~# bsync
  • Create a MPI hostfile and copy to user’s home directory
    # vi /root/mpihosts
    # cp /root/mpihosts /home/nextfoam
    # chown -R nextfoam.nextfoam /home/nextfoam/mpihosts
  • Send account information and initial password to user by e-mail etc.

What users need to do after login

  • Change password after login
    nextfoam@node001:~$ passwd
    Changing password for nextfoam.
    Current password: 
    New password: 
    Retype new password: 
    passwd: password updated successfully
  • Create a ssh key to access compute nodes
    nextfoam@node001:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Copy public key to authorized_keys for not password asking
    nextfoam@node001:~$ cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

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